
Dimboola station. This great photo was taken by my son Craig

Saturday, 7 December 2013

Sadleirs' vans

Sadlier Logistic's run a service between Melbourne and Perth, attached to Pacifc National trains. Usually these are ex NSW NLKY vans, recoded to RLSY vans. To confuse matters, they also now use some of older ex NSW KLV vans, also recoded to RLSY. Most of the vans are from the newer NLKY version, and the number on a service varies, see photos below.

I decided that I would add some of these vans to my Pacific National service. Auscision Models, produce both types of van. The earlier KLV van in Sadliers Livery was a single van in a four pack (NLV-9  Sold out) and the NLKY's were produced only in a two tone green, and not the all over Lime green that most now run in. As seen in the bottom photo, they also use un-repainted units.
I wanted a single KLV. Luckily, Ian Storrie, of Ian Lindsay Models, produced a fine kit for the KLV, so I ordered one of those. (Not everything has to be ready to run).

The kit went together extremely well, as you would expect for a Ian Lindsay Model. I painted the unit firstly with a white undercoat from Tamiya Color, then finally with Tamiya TS-22 light green, which gave almost the correct colour. The Sadleirs logo came of there website, reduced to about the right size and printed out on photo paper. (Still have to pick out the door handles, steps and grab rail in white). The bogies are from Auscision, but as the kit was produced to take AR Kit bogies, the height has to be adjusted.

PS. If you have noticed, most of my model photos are taken around my river crossing, and that is static grass in front and behind. I will soon tell how to make a static grass applicator for around $40.

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