It is that time of the year again, for the pilgrimage across to Melbourne for the ARMA exhibition at Caulfield. First, there had been a 33% increase in the admission price, which unfortunately was a reflection on the exhibition, as I would say it was so so this year. Just the lack of layouts: plenty of trade stands though.
Fist off, Auscision. At bit slow this year, not the usual crowds. The only 'new model' was the SSR BBGX/BBGY grain hoppers (ex VHGF) ; other wise plenty of their rerun models and GT46-ACe.
What's coming. The RMX container wagons have finished production and are on their way to Australia, to arrive shortly. The C43/44 GE diesels have almost finished production, due in October (one of the most complex production runs yet, as each version is different, and the quality control was immense to make sure all the right bits ended up on the right models).
New in the pipe line are 48' containers, due next year (no Linfox but there will be another exciting livery??). Passenger cars. Several passenger car set are in progress, this includes Indian Pacific cars, and Overland cars (but we will have to wait, as these are at the end of their list). Auscision will also be releasing their XGAY-WGBY-WGSY-BGSY grain wagons, due next year!!!
Formally announced three days after the exhibition.
Courtesy Auscision. |
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C43/44 Locomotive production models. |
Production run RMX container wagons. Also samples of NODY variations and 48/830 bodies. |
Victorian CP brake van test shot. |
SDS had engineering samples of their up and coming flat wagons.
SouthernRail Models showing samples of the XGAY-WGBY-WGSY-BGSY grain wagons. These will be be available as a three pack.
Ontracks are waiting to see painted samples of their Victorian Sprinter railcars. Running very late, the factory seems to be procrastinating. Also, there are troubles with the 80 class project, there are disagreements over the power pickup arrangement, coupler and staff exchange pockets.
Austrains had their new NSW loco 41 class, but were also off loading older stock at great prices.
A town like Alice in G&WA era this time. |
Victorian layout Naradhan |
VR narrow gauge. |
NSW Waterford |