On a recent Facebook comment, Auscision, indicated the possibility of a ARG/G&W class 22, in a second run of their 422 class locomotives. These have always been slotted for the second run, as I have asked several times over the years. In fact, the first engineering sample received from the factory, was a class 22: well the first four rebuilds anyway. These four locomotives (all named) were built for the Alice to Darwin line construction, and are all the same. Any 22 class from then on, have not had the same rebuild, and in fact, none of them are the same, all having slight differences.
Auscision Artwork. |
Any models will be probably, be the first four only; but this does not mean they have not ventured out. Usually, they are used on shuttle trains around Adelaide.
Auscision engineering sample. |
2202 Katherine at Port Adelaide. |
2212 and a mate, head up towards Mount Barker Junction, on a light engine movement.
Usual position for a class 22 (2210 at the rear): that is making up motive power on grain working.